Thursday, January 20, 2011

Life is Short

I just wanted to share something that God has been stirring in me this week.

Life is short!

You and I have one shot at it. What are you and I going to make of it. Francis Chan, in his book Crazy Love, likens our lives to being an extra in a movie and we get only 2/5 of a second on screen. Our way of thinking should not be, "God can you please help me with my messed up life," but rather, "God, what do you have for me today?"

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Weekly Update

Hey there, just wanted to update everyone on what God has been doing here the past two weeks.

First off, the series we going through in 1 Samuel entitled, Make War, has been a real eye opener. You may have heard the story of David and Goliath before but not the way it is being presented by Pastor P. Week One--we were asked which mountain we are on. The one with the Israelites (children of God) or the one with the Philistines (enemies of God). In the end, you are either on one mountain or the other, there is no middle ground.

This week, we talked about snapshots of our past and how those are the giants we continually face in our lives until we totally surrender them to God. If we don’t, they will continue show their ugly heads and come between us and God. That one really

hit home for me.

Lastly, I am so amazed by the people God continues to bring across our path. It is truly amazing when you are totally open to whatever God has how He will bless beyond all understanding. That’s all for now see you next time.

God Bless,


Friday, January 14, 2011

Vision Sunday

If nobody is laughing at your vision, you are nor dreaming big enough! ~Steven Furtick

Join us this Sunday for our service at 11:00 and then stay for a pizza lunch as we share our vision for OneSpring! Come laugh with us as we dream together of what God wants to do in our community!

Friday, January 7, 2011

God of This City

Have you ever really looked at the city in which you live? We have been doing some "looking", and what we have found is staggering. We have looked at the data page for Grove City and found that only 37.62% of the population is affiliated with a church. Of that number, they counted anyone going to any kind of church, even churches that aren't preaching the Gospel.

There is no doubt why God has called us back to our city, Grove City, to start a ministry. There are many here who are searching, searching for truth, and we are praying that God might use us to show them He is the Truth.

God has great things for this city and the people here, we can't wait to see what they are! Hold on, greater things are coming!

Monday, January 3, 2011

First Sunday Recap

Our first Sunday seemed a little weird. We felt like we were "playing hooky" from church just staying home and watching TV, but we know that that is not what we are doing at all. We had no idea if anyone would show up to join us or if it would just be our family. Right as the service started a couple walked in, very cool! After the service, we had a lengthy discussion in regards to the service, I love those types of conversations.

The service was a recap of the past year. They showed all the series they did, excerpts from some; they showed all the out reach ministries they are involved in. It was a great way to start out our year. You can watch the sermon here.

Can't wait to see where we go from here!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Our First Sunday

We are excited to be meeting as a new church! Our first Sunday will be January 2, 2011 at 11:15a.m.

We will be joining NewSpring Church on-line for their morning service.